Monday 9 April 2018

Week 12

Jes has had 2 weeks break from agility due to Easter and holidays. 
We arrived this week and was one of two dogs who turned up in guessing others are away still. 
This was good for jes it meant more time could be focused on his behaviour and he got more chance to get things right in the course.
He did really well he was much quieter and less distracted as there was less dogs. 
He started doing jumps which he was really good at then he did jumps and tunnels he started to get a bit noisy and jumpy but by pulling him back it was easier to control.
We then did the A frame which she had made much taller this time he wasn't too keen and kept jumping off half way down the other side, he definitely needs more confidence with that and being up there and also making the contact before coming off.
He started misbehaving with the weaves so while the other dog got to do them we decided with jes it was best to quit while we were ahead.
Finally we practised turning and bringing him back the way he had come which again he picked up really quickly.
A lot was covered tonight he worked exceptionally hard I'm so proud of him today he had no waiting no distractions which meant he was constantly working but it seemed to be better for his behaviour this way.
I'm hoping he doesn't forget it all by next week and revert back to how he has been up til now.

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