Friday 27 April 2018

A lot less barking

This week again there is only 3 of us and Jess started so quiet I thought he had lost his voice at first but that soon changed. He also couldn' help but get distracted by the dogs in the other half of the ring. The room is divided into two we have a class in one half and there's another beginners class in the other half. 
After practising the round where he jumps over the jump then comes back round it to me for a while she wanted them to walk up the a frame the other dogs in our group are doing quite well and are quite happy to run up it and come back down and touch the yellow. Jess isn't too keen on being up their though and jumps off the the highest point so we stopped him doing that after a couple of times as we were worried he would injure himself.
He did very well at a sequence of jumps pull rounds and spins and completed the course of that several times although barking the whole time he was doing it.
He is still very far behind the others in the group due to his over excitement and us having to keep pulling him back sooner to prevent him being out of control.
Hopefully he's improving they keep saying he is but I think because I can see how far behind the others he is it' quite disheartening. I thought he would be so good before I started cos he can jump ridiculous heights you just don't realise how much discipline he needs as well I thought he loves jumping he will be perfect he will be the best one when actually his behaviour is making him the worst one.

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