Friday 16 March 2018


We rescued Jester when he was 18months old. He was bred as a police dog but never made the grade.
He was terrified of everything when we first got him didn't like being near us. After a few weeks he came out of his shell and that's when the problems began. He barks constantly at everyone who walks or drives past the house. He barks when you enter he barks and jumps when you try to leave. 
We have had various dog trainers come round to try and help him but nothing seems to have worked. My latest mission is to take him agility training to help tire him out (he has so much energy) and to help with his discipline at the time of starting this blog he has completed 10 weeks agility training he started out very well completed the courses really well but now he's got confidence in the environment he barks throughout the whole evening he can't complete the course without getting over excited then we have to stop and pull him out. 

This blog is not a dog training guide its my quest to try and provide him with some guidance discipline and exercise I will continue to document his progress week by week and hopefully one day he may compete in an agility competition.

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